Además de sistemas de bombeo y tuberÃas, necesitamos financiar otro tipo de infraestructuras
Centrarse en las infraestructuras cÃvicas y de integridad para obtener más y mejor financiación en los sectores del agua y el saneamiento
Además de sistemas de bombeo y tuberÃas, necesitamos financiar otro tipo de infraestructuras
Pumps and pipes aside, we need to finance a different kind of infrastructure
What Does it Mean to Mainstream Gender in Open Government Processes
More Transparency in Brazil’s Water Sector National Information System
Water-related commitments in Mexico’s Open Government Plan
Making information on the use of water resources in Chile open and transparent
Inovações na gestão das águas no municÃpio de São Paulo: protagonismo da sociedade civil
Innovations in water management in the city of São Paulo: the leading role of civil society
Strengthening federal institutions in Nepal: a priority
Corruption: the shadow system