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A Year in Review: Annual Report 2023

Kicking off new strategy with progress and promise

"The message is clear. We must change course to achieve universal access to water and sanitation."

-António Guterres, United Nations Secretary General, in Blueprint for Acceleration: Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report on Water and Sanitation 2023.

Integrity is critical in the water and sanitation sectors because corruption and mismanagement can severely impact service delivery and preparedness to water disasters, contributing to health crises, and environmental degradation. By promoting integrity through transparency and accountability, WIN ensures that resources are used efficiently and equitably, helping to secure access to clean water and sanitation for all.

In 2023, the Water Integrity Network (WIN) kicked off work on its new strategy in a context of deepening climate stress and severe water-related disasters, as well as a deteriorating state of democracy and civic space the world over. These worrying trends make the work of WIN and partners all the more important.

In a sector profoundly affected by climate change, transparency, accountability, participation and anti-corruption activities, can build trust and make or break new developments. Through a blend of research, capacity building, tool development, and impactful country programmes, WIN and partners have been laying the groundwork for long-term sustainable improvements.

We thank our partners for their work and collaboration in promoting clean and honest governance for the water and sanitation sectors. Thank you also to our donors and supporters for making our work possible.



Key Highlights of 2023

Thought leadership and research: understanding the intricacies of integrity risks in new areas of the water and sanitation sectors

WIN's commitment to research is opening up new areas of inquiry to better understand how the water and sanitaiton sectors suffer from corruption and how best to address risks. New work on sanitation, in particular Citywide Inclusive Sanitation and regulation of sanitation, identified unique integrity risks. The research will be the groundwork for tools, training and input on integrity risk management due in 2024.

In response to partner requests, WIN also launched key research on integrity in water and sanitation finance, including climate finance and key issues such as blended finance and misuse of funds, in preparation of the launch of the next Water Integrity Global Outlook.

“[This is] knowledge that I can use with decision makers to make a change in informal settlements.”

-Participant of the online course Integrity in Informal Settlements in end-of-course evaluation

Training and capacity building: integrity champions in the making

Training remains a cornerstone of WIN’s strategy, with over 500 individuals participating in various online courses hosted with Cap-Net on water integrity basics as well as service delivery in informal settlements. These basic trainings, in conjunction with training of new users of integrity management tools are building capacity for a network of integrity champions among water and sanitation sector professionals.

Tool development: equipping water and sanitation sector professionals for integrity risk assessment and management

WIN has advanced the development of critical data tools like the Framework for Integrity in Infrastructure Planning (FIIP) and the Water Integrity Risk Index (WIRI). These tools help identify and mitigate integrity risks in water infrastructure projects and procurement. They can guide reform programmes.

WIN also consolidated InWASH - a complete integrity toolbox for utilities to gain an understanding of integrity practices and opportunities, and develop a practical action plan. The tool is now being used across Latin America.

In 2023 WIN worked with utilities and small water supply systems that together reach an estimated 13.076 million people.

-WIN Annual Report 2023

Country programmes: pushing the agenda for integrity from local to national levels

WIN's country programs in Kenya, Bangladesh, and Mexico have made significant strides. In Kenya, a new four-year strategy focuses on collective action, integrating integrity tools into governance models, and enhancing climate financing governance. Kenyan partners also expanded work using the IMT-SWSS.

In Bangladesh, a new strategy and new partners are looking towards building capacity of community organisations for advocacy and better services through integrity. Research on CWIS also strongly builds on the expertise and work of Bangladesh partners.

In Mexico, work focused on enhancing water and sanitation services especially for marginalised groups, through improved management and robust partnerships with local actors. The Water Justice Plan, or Chiapas Agenda, is one branch of the work spearheaded by partners and indigenous leaders of communities in the region, to ensure electoral candidates make relevant committments to address their needs.

Work was also carried out with water utilities and regulators in Peru, Ecuador, Honduras, Argentina, and Bolivia, with support from the Inter-American Development Bank.

And that's not all, WIN put water integrity on the agenda at major international fora. It will continue to do so in 2024 and beyond. As WIN continues to catalyse a culture of integrity, your support is crucial. Together, we can prevent and combat corruption, enhance service delivery, and ensure the sustainable use of water resources in the face of global challenges. Join the network as partner to share your committment. Or contact us to codevelop or support new research and country programmes,

Read more about WIN advocacy, research, and partner programmes in the Annual Report 2023:


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