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Promoting Transparency, Integrity and Accountability in the Water and Sanitation Sector in Uganda


By Maria Jacobson, Sam Mutono, Erik Nielsen, Donal O’Leary & Rosemary Rop

Published in 2010 with the World Bank Water and Sanitation Program


Uganda placed corruption in the water sector high on the development agenda by pursuing an explicit anti-corruption strategy in the provision of water supply and sanitation services. In 2006, the Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) established a multi-stakeholder Good Governance Sub-Sector Working Group (GGSSWG) tasked with recommending specific measures to promote and monitor transparency, accountability and good governance. This process culminated in the creation of a Governance Action Plan to improve transparency and accountability in the sub-sector.

The GGSSWG initiated a Water Integrity Study in 2008, to better understand corruption in Uganda’s water sector. Supported by WIN and the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP), this exercise consisted of two complementary studies designed to update the sector’s existing anti-corruption action plan:

  1. A qualitative Risk/Opportunity Mapping Study of the WSS sub-sector, mapping stakeholders, identifying corruption risks and barriers for action.

  2. A National Baseline Survey on how water consumers, providers, contractors and other stakeholders experience integrity in the provision of water.

The key findings of the Integrity Study are outlined in this report, along with conclusions and lessons learned from the process of developing and implementing an integrity study for Uganda.

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